New office-building attached below ground to a listed neoclassical historical building within a c.650m2 plot & restoration of the exterior shell of the listed building. Kaplanon 11 Athens. (1993-95)

The new building was only attached to the listed Historical Monument below ground, thus the vertical to the plot Staikou street was aesthetically extended in the plot. Thus it most appropriately frames the listed building and hides the post-world war II, blind high rise neighbouring constructions.  The elevation of the new wing, clad with natural materials, quite intentionally shared the same axis of symmetry with the listed building. The human scale was evident in the small, classically and harmoniously proportioned windows of the new building, with exceptional curtain walls to reflect the image of the classical listed building opposite. Innovative abstracted custom designed detailing throughout including hidden frames in all openings,  while most appropriate masonry cladding extensively utilized in the elevation of the new wing with warm colours, compatible with the new plaster re-construction of the neoclassical building.  The extensive parallel  restoration of the four elevations of the rare free standing historical neoclassical edifice, was executed after additional reinforcement and with the colour embedded in the plaster. In addition, grain-reinforced-cement was utilized for all cornices and mouldings to ensure stability and longevity.  The project was subsequently put on hold, most notably in the interiors, due to changing circumstances.

From a functional perspective, the top floors of the new wing were primarily intended for office use-with dense functional provisions for this purpose with alternative layouts etc, while the ground floors were more suitable for recreational activity in direct relationship with the open spaces and garden as they profited from several entrances in both high and lower ground storeys, as the rear-garden is at a much lower level from the street. The old ‘garden gate’ now also offered access to the entrance of the underground private parking space, accessible through an elevator (still to be installed) at the rear of the plot. Basement levels, also included high quality symmetrical gallery-exhibition space with appropriate functional and legal provisions for primary use. Alternative plans for use as a hotel with various densities of occupation as well as detailed plans for restaurant at the lower levels,were also subsequently executed. A project of 2000 m2 in total  with 1600m2 primary-use spaces of which c.800 belong to the listed building.

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